Update: Applications for grants are now open.
Visit WHRO Grants to learn more.
Honoring the vibrant voices and cultures that define Virginia
Virginia Humanities at WHRO is the first of several new regional humanities centers being launched as Virginia Humanities begins celebrating its 50th anniversary later this year.
This new partnership will amplify stories from across Hampton Roads, illustrate the ways the humanities bring communities together, and foster dialogue and understanding.
This new regional center will augment Virginia Humanities local grantmaking by providing $60,000 in grants to support local humanities programs Eastern Virginia residents care about most.
The 50th anniversary will be celebrated throughout Virginia, starting here with WHRO.
The humanities explore what it means to be human—how people have shaped the world through actions, beliefs, and creativity over time. Bringing the humanities into a regional focus creates stronger local connections and understanding of place and people. When people see themselves and others in the history, literature, and experience of a place, they make connections, find meaning, and ultimately strengthen our human community.
Virginia Humanities at WHRO is now accepting Request for Proposals for grants that will be awarded in July 2025. Apply at WHRO Grants.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Amy Houck
Vice President of Marketing and Communications
The gallery below is a sample of stories from Virginia Humanities.
Learn more at
Virginia Humanities and WHRO announced a new regional humanities center in Hampton Roads headquartered at WHRO.