The Williamsburg-James City County School Board will form a committee to lead the process and seek community input on the possible new name.
City staff estimates the improvements will cost $27 million, which include replacing old pump stations.
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation recently acquired a creamware plate used by Russia’s Catherine the Great in the 1700s.
Trail advisory committee member Janice Canaday wants it to ensure Black residents today “will never walk around like I did trying to find themselves in the story.”
A recommended approach would create a community committee to consider suggestions and collect feedback.
The division ranked four out of six among neighboring divisions in entry level pay for teachers with bachelor’s degrees. It ranked fifth for teachers with master’s degrees.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last year pushed a November deadline back during a licensing backlog.
The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission board approved “resilient design standards” advising local governments to factor in increases in rainfall and sea level.
The study proposes increased housing density, new development and pedestrian connectivity
Olwen Herron said the time was right to cap off her more than four- decade-long career.