“Who's going to step in and protect the rights of those who don’t have a champion?" Trevor Chaplick, the parent of a special needs child, told Radio IQ.
"I pray this will be a turnaround, if any of these policies are worth a dime," said Ron Jenkins with the Virginia Loggers Association.
The Republican governor advertised 250,000 open jobs across the state at an event in Virginia Beach Tuesday.
Nonprofits across the bay watershed said they’re seeing money dry up for farmers, local governments and community groups that rely on it.
The closing of the controversial Armed Forces Brewing Company sparked an amusing victory lap from opponents who turned the company’s excuse for closing into merchandise and a rallying cry.
City Council voted Tuesday to add school zone speed cameras to the city’s stoplight enforcement program to slow traffic and fund pedestrian safety improvements.
“I’m concerned about students talking about who it was as this all becomes public,” said Board of Education member Ida McPherson. "We accomplish what we accomplish by having the guidelines."
Researchers at Old Dominion University urge more people in the region to buy flood insurance to protect against a storm on par with Hurricane Florence.
Mayor Phillip Jones said he hopes to address issues with coal dust and flooding.