This fall, the Virginia Center for Investigative Journalism at WHRO Public Media will take you behind the scenes to meet the people who protect "we the people" with an audio series and photo gallery exhibit.
The Claville Report Looks at The State of the 2024 Presidential Election
Moore wrote the Book "White Robes and Broken Badges" which describes how he infiltrated the KKK
Heidi Lewis, Director of Portsmouth Public Schools Department of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, and Tony Quaranta, who has mentored students with dyslexia are the in-studio guests.
WHRO Public Media offers thoughtful and trusted news coverage on key issues, the candidates and election releated news.
A series of reporting from the Virginia Center for Investigative Journalism at WHRO has resulted in the Commonwealth of Virginia establishing a committee to look into the issue further.
The historic Black neighborhood of Jackson Ward was intentionally split by highway development in the 1950s. Generations later, could a plan to reconnect the north and south sides renew a community?
Join us for the next episode of Education Matters on Wednesday at noon on WHRV. We'll be talking with Lisa Martin, superintendent of Northampton Country Schools, and we'll be taking your phone calls.
Have you faced discrimination based on age? Is there an age too old to be considered for some jobs—like president of the United States? Another View's Round Table pundits are exploring the topic today at noon on WHRV.
This week, WHRO Public Media continues our series into issues facing today’s educators. Join us for Education Matters, a live, call-in show where local superintendents answer your questions.