Abandoned fishing gear can obstruct navigation, impact sensitive ecosystems and entrap animal species such as turtles and muskrats.
Communities along the three U.S. coastlines are exploring solutions for rising sea levels. They're fortifying, inventing and preparing to move.
Conductor Micheal Repper will lead musicians through classics like Handel and Beethoven and modern pieces, like Big Band selections.
A Mathews family found a collection of quilts in a relative’s home, with some dating back to the Civil War era.
The $100 million gift will allow the university to expand the newly named Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences.
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science is spearheading an effort to understand what’s causing the ongoing issue known as Sudden Unusual Mortality Syndrome.
After more than 20 years in its prior location, VersAbility Resources moved to a new Gloucester location.
The Middle Peninsula is often called the septic repair capital of the East Coast. Failing systems can flood yards with sewage, threatening the health of people and the environment.