The Williamsburg-James City County School Board will form a committee to lead the process and seek community input on the possible new name.
City staff estimates the improvements will cost $27 million, which include replacing old pump stations.
The festival task force worked for a year to develop recommendations for managing events at the resort.
With a difficult budget season, city staff are working to close gaps in funding and prioritize projects — without raising real estate taxes on residents.
A recommended approach would create a community committee to consider suggestions and collect feedback.
The program brings the Emergency Medical Service into compliance with federal requirements for drug tracking, but it also drives up EMS costs.
The division ranked four out of six among neighboring divisions in entry level pay for teachers with bachelor’s degrees. It ranked fifth for teachers with master’s degrees.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration last year pushed a November deadline back during a licensing backlog.
Some care providers reported access to funds were delayed Tuesday, and others said they have yet to receive them.
King’s youngest daughter spoke about the power of forgiveness, nonviolent activism and generational struggles for social justice.