May is Motorcycle Safety Month. The Another View team welcomed two bikers about their love of this mode of transportation. Terry Witherspoon, The President of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the National Association of Buffalo Soldiers and Troopers and Janice Alexander, who at age 79 rides a three wheeler join host Barbara Hamm Lee for this week's program.
Have you faced discrimination based on age? Is there an age too old to be considered for some jobs—like president of the United States? Another View's Round Table pundits are exploring the topic today at noon on WHRV.
Harriet Tubman served as an Underground Railroad conductor, a Civil War scout, a nurse and a spy. Learn about her connection to Hampton Roads.
Black students who do not attend a high-quality preschool program often enter school already trailing behind the skills of their peers.
WHRO Public Media has undertaken a new initiative to address issues surrounding race and the history of race in the communities of South Hampton Roads. Our latest event, Race Let's Talk About It: Closing the Education Gap, was an insightful community conversation. If you missed it, you can watch the recording.
African American and Latinx students are more likely to receive lower grades and drop out of high school than whites. What has caused this educational divide and how can communities change it?
Remember the excitement that accompanied bringing a newborn into the world? What happens if you learn your child has special needs? Lisa Godley recently spoke with Mark and Dawn Lawrence about their journey and how they are helping other parents.
Host Barbara Hamm Lee interviewed the author of a book about the secret love affair between Father William Grau and Sister Sophie Legocki.
During the last few weeks African Americans have witnessed a familiar story, play over and over again. On this week's Another View, our round-table panelists explored what life is like for Black men in America. Listen to the conversation.
In the span of just 48 hours, the fatal shooting of black men in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and suburban St. Paul, Minn., by police officers -- and the murder of five police officers at a Dallas protest of those shame shootings, has tensions flared in cities all across America.