
Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt took the world by storm as the chaplain for the 2018 Loyola Chicago Final Four men's basketball team. And last year she celebrated her 103rd birthday!

Sister Jean is a religious sister of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She has spent her entire adult life working as a teacher, administrator, and volunteer, first at elementary and grade schools in Chicago and Los Angeles, and later at Mundelein College and Loyola University.

In 1994, 75-year-old Sister Jean was ready to retire from Loyola. But once again, she was called—this time to take on a role helping student athletes keep up their grades so they could maintain their eligibility to play. That evolved into a position as official team chaplain for the men’s basketball team, with her pre-game prayers and advice to players becoming a critical part of the team’s success. Her role with the team has also earned her numerous accolades, including a much-deserved induction in the Loyola Athletics Hall of Fame.

This week on Watching America, she speaks with host Dr. Alan Campbell about her new book Wake Up With Purpose!: What I've Learned in My First Hundred Years.

Hear the interview.