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Former Talking Head David Byrne has released his first true solo album in 14 years, “American Utopia” and in the liner notes he says “The title refers to not a specific utopia but rather to our longing, frustration, aspirations, fears and hopes regarding what could be possible.

”Byrne continues, “These songs don’t describe an imaginary or possibly impossible place but rather attempt to depict the world we live in now. Many of us…look around and we ask ourselves-well, does it have to be like this?  These songs are about that looking and that asking.”

Referring to the history of the America Byrne says, “The experiment seems on the verge of collapse so naturally we ask ourselves, is there another way? Do we have any choice in the matter? This asking is a good sign.”

Says Byrne, “I have no prescriptions or sure-fire answers but I sense that I am not the only one looking and asking, wondering and still holding onto some tiny bit of hope. Music is a kind of model-it often tells us or points us toward how we can be.”