On the last day of our Radio Pledge Drives, we invite listeners to donate in honor of a pet. Through the years, we've received gifts in honor of a variety of animals—dogs, cats, horses, rabbits—all types of animals are welcome! Pet Pledge Fridays are always a fun day for the staff as well. Some staff members even bring their pets to work with them that day.

Since we've heard about so many of your pets, we thought it was time to introduce you to some of ours!

Meet our furry animal friends below.


We also recorded some videos of our pets in action!

Producer Danny Epperson's cat Kitka likes to eat her food slowly—one piece at a time!

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Nancy Rogan, WHRO Director of Community Engagement, has a dog that loves to run. Run, Sophie, run!

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Online Media Officer Dina Richardson added a new cat to the family. Mia is not impressed by Lucy's antics!

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Sondra Woodward, of WHRV's Morning Edition, has several rabbits. In this video she introduces us to one of them.

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