Vicki L. Friedman
The Hermitage has hosted an immersive theater show for several years, and this year's mashup of Pride & Prejudice and Dungeons & Dragons opens Friday. All shows are sold out.
After a tough regular season and comeback during the conference tournament, the Tribe received its first-ever bid to the women’s NCAA Tournament.
The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center hasn't been a synagogue in 40 years but has community programming year-round. Its lecture series continues Sunday.
Natasha Lindeback had to get creative to bring her German Shepherd, Caoimhe, into False Cape State Park to make sure the dog earned a special hiking designation with her.
The Hampton U. museum is the country's oldest African American museum and closed for a year to expand for its extensive African, Native and African American collections.
The 36th annual Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival Thursday-Sunday in Hampton is the largest of its kind on the East Coast.
The Hampton Roads Community Foundation and YWCA of South Hampton Roads host monthly Community Peacemaking Circles. They invite people to meet and have constructive talks about race.
The Carrollton business offers art classes, wine tasting, a cafe
The life of the late Lorraine Graves, an international ballet star, is the subject of the company's annual show.
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation recently acquired a creamware plate used by Russia’s Catherine the Great in the 1700s.