Steve Walsh
ReporterSteve joined WHRO in 2023 to cover military and veterans. Steve has extensive experience covering the military and working in public media, most recently at KPBS in San Diego, WYIN in Gary, Indiana and WBEZ in Chicago. In the early 2000s, he embedded with members of the Indiana National Guard in Kuwait and Iraq. Steve reports for NPR’s American Homefront Project, a national public media collaboration that reports on American military life and veterans. Steve is also on the board of Military Reporters & Editors.
You can reach Steve at steve.walsh@whro.org.
Federal first responders lined up new hires at a job fair in Portsmouth Wednesday.
Hunt Military Communities becomes more hands-on as the Navy ramps up effort to privatize barracks housing.
Acting VA Secretary Todd Hunter encouraged staff to turn in their coworkers.
The GAO report is critical of work performed by BAE Systems in Norfolk.
USNS Portsmouth will be the third ship in its class.
Bases in Hampton Roads are suspending the Trusted Traveler program indefinitely.
The Dec. 22 missile attack from the USS Gettysburg is the first friendly fire incident in decades. The crew members of the F/A-18 ejected safely before the missile struck.
The change is one way Congress is trying to address the living conditions of younger troops in Hampton Roads.
The Defense Commissary Agency is testing opening its stores to a new group of customers.
Sen. Tim Kaine wants the Pentagon to release a plan for handling drone incursions over bases.