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Ahn Young-joon/AP

South Korean soldiers patrol while hikers visit the DMZ Peace Trail in the Demilitarized Zone in Goseong, South Korea. A defector from North Korea was apprehended in Goseong last week after evading South Korean guards for hours.

Ahn Young-joon/AP

The man's daring escape, and the failure of South Korean guards to detect him, is the second embarrassing breach of the heavily fortified DMZ in recent months.

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Alice Fordham for NPR

Domestic tourism has been strong in Iraq's northern Kurdish region, but sites in more impoverished, insecure areas tend to be visited less. A few Iraqi tourism companies are trying to change that.

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Jim Watson/AP

Despite Biden's ambitious climate plan, Haaland told lawmakers the country would not abandon fossil fuels "overnight." If confirmed, she would be the first Native American Cabinet secretary.

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Jim Lo Scalzo/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Powell warned it will take time to put millions of jobless Americans back to work, while also downplaying inflation threats.

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Underwood Archives/Getty Images

"Today almost no one in America knows about this landmark Civil Rights achievement," the city council said last year, in a proclamation honoring the Oak Ridge 85.

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Journalist Joby Warrick takes a detailed look at an excruciating moment for the world — the time in 2013 when the U.S. concluded that Syria's government had used chemical weapons in its civil war.

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Mohd Rasfan/AFP via Getty Images

Malaysian immigration officials defied a court ordered stay and loaded the migrants onto three navy ships sent by Myanmar's military government to return them.

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Journalist Matthew Gavin Frank exposes the history of South Africa's nefarious diamond industry, accompanied by a tale of pigeons and their role in subversion, in crisp and poetic prose.

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