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Hundreds braved the sticky heat this weekend to spectate and dance at the annual Nansemond Pow Wow at Mattanock Town, Suffolk.

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Photo by Laura Philion.

Chickahominy member and Charles City resident Sydney Richard (left) dances in a shawl in the sacred circle during grand entry. Richard said she has exams coming up and Saturday was her only day to dance.

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Photo by Laura Philion.

One of the day's smallest dancers waits for fry bread alongside a Sons of the American Revolution historical interpreter.

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Photo by Laura Philion

Dancer Tara Green (center left) traveled from North Carolina to attend the pow wow. She's been dancing since she was 5 and favors women's northern style dancing. Her fittingly green regalia uses buckskin and intricate beading, with elk teeth and ribbons on her bag.

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Photo by Laura Philion.

Dancers in jingle dresses enter the sacred circle during the grand entry. Jingle dresses have their roots in a healing dance and legend. The jingles are traditionally made with chewing tobacco can lids.

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Photo by Laura Philion.

Nansemond Chief Keith Anderson (left) waits to give his welcome during Saturday’s grand entry at Mattanock Town, Suffolk. It’s been an eventful year for the tribe, who reacquired 500 acres of ancestral land through donation in November.

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Photo by Laura Philion.

Romula Hawthorne runs RHaw Creations, making jewelry and ceramics. She started going to pow wows years ago but only recently started selling at the events.