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WHRO Op-Ed Submission Guidelines

We accept submissions that are of particular relevance to southeastern Virginia and Hampton Roads metropolitan area, especially topics in education, transportation, economy, leadership, social and cultural interests and overall quality of life, up to 750 words in length. You should consider articles that are newsworthy, factual and make a compelling argument. They should be written persuasively and not be promotional in nature. Include relevant links to sources for information used in the commentary. You don’t need to have special expertise, but if you do, elaborate on it. We do not publish organizational statements, business pitches or political campaign promotions as commentaries. All letters are subject to editing for fact, grammar, length, clarity, libel and general readability. Please include full name, address and telephone number. Only your name and city of residence — not your address — will be published. Writers retain the rights to their work after publication. No more than one letter published per month. Best way to submit is via email sent to media@whro.org