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The legendary Lilly Brothers on this Week's Pickin

Pickin' on WHRV

On this week's Pickin, we have an extended feature on the famed Lilly Brothers. Everett and Bea Lilly moved from West Virginia to Boston just as the Folk Boom of the 1960s was exploding. They became the house band at the famed Hillbilly Ranch venue and would introduce traditional Bluegrass music to scores of New Englanders. They are credited with heavily influencing the careers of Joe Val, Peter Rowan, and Bill Keith. In 2002, the were inducted into the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame with long-time sideman Don Stover. It doesn't get much more traditional than the Lilly Brothers! Tune in Sunday night at 7 on WHRV.

Barry Graham used to arrive at WHRO with a briefcase full of papers and lesson plans. For 32 years he taught US and Virginia Government in the Virginia Beach Public Schools. While teaching was always his first love, radio was a close second. While attending Old Dominion, Barry was program director at WODU, the college radio station. After graduating, he came to WHRO as an overnight announcer. Originally intending to stay on only while completing graduate school, he was soon hooked on Public Radio and today is the senior announcer on WHRV. In 2001, Barry earned his Ph.D in Urban Studies by writing a history of WHRO and analyzing its impact upon local education, policy and cultural arts organizations.