Getting dropped by your record company when your name is The Record Company had to be difficult for the band to deal with but on their fourth album, called “The Fourth Album” they get back to the basics of what they started out as; being a kick-ass, original blues-rock band.
The self-produced and self-released new album’s songs are all about self-empowerment. The trio, Alex Stiff on bass, Chris Vos on guitar and vocals and drummer Marc Cazorla rely on each other more than ever for their raw and honest performances.
There’s a kiss off to their last record label called “You Made a Mistake” and their witty lyrics throughout make them less generic sounding than their second and third albums made them sound.
The Record Company’s first album was recorded in one of the band member’s living room and gave off the aura of discovery and the thrill of something new. With “The Fourth Album” they have re-created that feeling and are performing with the same careless abandon that says they are the only record company they need to worry about.