Thousands of people protested across the country after a Supreme Court draft opinion was leaked that shows a majority of the justices ready to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that established the right to abortion. Justices can change their votes before a final decision

Megan Farmer/KUOW

SEATTLE: Jackie Jacobs holds her head in her hands before the start of a pro-choice rally.

NPR member station photographers shared what they saw across the U.S. Here are the scenes.

Andrew Nixon/CapRadio

SACRAMENTO: Demonstrators gather at the federal courthouse in response to the leaked Supreme Court brief in which a majority of justices sided with overturning Roe v. Wade.

Hart W. Van Denburg /CPR News/Denverite

DENVER: Protesters, and some counter-protesters, showed up at the evening's abortion rights rally at the state Capitol.

Hart W. Van Denburg /CPR News/Denverite

DENVER: Protesters, and some counter-protesters, showed up at the evening's abortion rights rally at the state Capitol.

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